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I need to implement a form which includes the path to a media file in the portal. When a user clicks a"browse" button, she should be able to see the directory, pick a file, upload a file and (optionally) get a preview for the file.
I looked at ~/controls/filepickeruploader.ascx which looks like it does have all the functions, but it is not so easy to integrate it into the form (layoutwise and I am also not sure how to interact with it, i.e. how to subscribe to a "user picked file" event or something). I could maybe run this in a popup, so the layout would not be such an issue.
There are also a couple of DnnFile... controls in DotNetNuke.Web.UI.WebControls plus a DnnAsyncUpload.
My question really is if someone knows which of the controls fulfills my requirements and will get the job done - or if I am better off rolling my own solution. I could for example use a DNNWebAPI to store the images (I could then quiet easy switch to Azure Table Storage).