Setting File Extensions and Size

How to set maximum size and type (extensions) of files that can be uploaded by Administrators and other authorized users across all sites within this application. The maximum file size is set in web.config file and has a default size of approximately 28 Mb. The following file extensions are permitted by default: swf, jpg, jpeg, jpe, gif, bmp, png, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx, pdf, txt, xml, xsl, xsd, css, zip, template, htmtemplate, ico, avi, mpg, mpeg, mp3, wmv, mov and wav.

  1. Navigate to HostThese users have full access to manage the settings and content of all sites with this DNN installation, including the Host site. SuperUser accounts are created using the Host > SuperUser Accounts module. > Host Settings HostThese users have full access to manage the settings and content of all sites with this DNN installation, including the Host site. SuperUser accounts are created using the Host > SuperUser Accounts module. Settings.
  2. Select the Other Settings tab.
  3. In Allowable File Extensions window, enter an extension preceded by a comma to add a file extension - OR - Delete a three letter extension and the preceding comma ( , ) to remove a file extension.
  4. In the Max Upload Size text box, enter the maximum file size in Megabytes. The default setting is 12 which is also the minimum upload size.

  1. Click the Update button.